Thomas Lathrop

Thomas Lathrop

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NASA Comp School: I Did It!

I finally accomplished a years-old goal of mine: completing NASA Competition School! The weekend was jam-packed. With so much to unpack, Comp School was enough to make several weeks' worth of articles. I will cover different aspects of the process in upcoming articles. As I am busy with my...

What Went Wrong? 2-Off Edition

Learning how to go off-track safely is essential for your safety and that of others because it is bound to happen eventually. When handled properly, going off can be a non-event. At our recent excursion to Roebling Road Raceway, I got a close-up view of a classic scenario preached in...

Racing & Egos

Racing and large egos go hand in hand. Over the years, I've seen drivers make questionable, sometimes flat-out dangerous moves to gain a position in a low-stakes club race [prototype and GT car tangling 2-wide at 130mph through Bishops Bend; one of them got air-lifted]. I've...

Why I Sold One of My E30s

I recently sold one of my E30s. If you want the short version, it's because building and maintaining race cars is a lot of work. If you want the slightly longer version, it's also because my love of E30s has cooled off a lot this year....

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