Thomas Lathrop

Thomas Lathrop

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FCP Euro Lifetime Guarantee

I'm pretty surprised by how many conversations I have with people expressing their disbelief about the legitimacy of FCP Euro's Lifetime Guarantee. In fact, to this day, I'm pretty sure that I'm the only one within my circle of car friends that...

BMW Chassis-Mount Shifter Buyer's Guide

What is an OEM-style shifter? On most manual transmission BMWs, the shifter linkage consists of a sub-assembly that includes it's own "carrier", selector rod, and shift lever. In addition, there are some bushings and shims involved to keep things tight. The pivot "cup" and...

Why I Like: Chassis-Mount Shifters

Author's Note: This kicks off a new series, Why I Like, wherein I'll share products, companies, events, and other things that I like, and why you should too. This week we are starting out with chassis-mount shifters. Next week we will have a companion article that...

RE's Top 6 of 2022

We're just a few days away from 2023, so what better time for a retrospective on the year gone by? Next week we'll set some goals for 2023, maybe even with some guest contributions! In the mean time, this is RISING EDGE's top 6...

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