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NASA Comp School: I Did It!

I finally accomplished a years-old goal of mine: completing NASA Competition School! The weekend was jam-packed. With so much to unpack, Comp School was enough to make several weeks' worth of articles. I will cover different aspects of the process in upcoming articles. As I am busy with my...

What Went Wrong? 2-Off Edition

Learning how to go off-track safely is essential for your safety and that of others because it is bound to happen eventually. When handled properly, going off can be a non-event. At our recent excursion to Roebling Road Raceway, I got a close-up view of a classic scenario preached in...

Racing & Egos

Racing and large egos go hand in hand. Over the years, I've seen drivers make questionable, sometimes flat-out dangerous moves to gain a position in a low-stakes club race [prototype and GT car tangling 2-wide at 130mph through Bishops Bend; one of them got air-lifted]. I've...

Why I Sold One of My E30s

I recently sold one of my E30s. If you want the short version, it's because building and maintaining race cars is a lot of work. If you want the slightly longer version, it's also because my love of E30s has cooled off a lot this year....

Gridlife iRacers Drop Top Touring Series

Although we're not quite to the racing off-season, Gridlife has been hosting an iRacing sim racing league in which my friends and I have been participating. We're halfway through the four-week series, and each race has been a blast. Just like Gridlife festival tour weekends, each...

Quality Instruction: A Game of Chance

I recently read a great article by the inimitable Ross Bentley, which highlighted some of the shortcomings of HPDE instruction. As a seasoned instructor and driving coach, Ross included many excellent ideas for better ways to coach and train new drivers. Train the Trainer: Monkeys, Late Apexes & Classroom SessionsWhy...

Comparing Myself to a National Champion

Sorry for the dramatized title. However, that is exactly what we'll be doing today. Recently, at Roebling Road Raceway, Carlos Mendez and I got to drive the same car, on the same track, in the same conditions. I had the distinct advantage of being the owner of the...

Shaking Down The GLTC E90

It's nice to be back after taking August off from RE. Some work was done on the #73 E30 (which is for sale!), but I mainly focused on prepping the E90 for test days and GLTC next year. Sure, the car came to me basically in race-ready condition,...

Setup Advice Sucks

Frequently I will come across a vague setup advice question along the lines of: My E36 understeers. How much front camber should I run? A question like this is needlessly restrictive (why camber?) and hard to answer accurately. There are so many missing variables, such as:

RE Year 2: Your Help Needed

Last week's GridLife 2024 announcement marked the 52nd post here on RE. It was the completion of my commitment to do 1 year of weekly posts. I'm ready to keep pushing forward with the site, but before doing so, I want to see if I am...

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