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On Motivation & Proving Oneself

Motivation, and lack thereof What motivates you when it comes to cars/racing? I have been contemplating this a lot lately, because in the wake of some major life events, including losing my father to cancer, I have struggled with finding any motivation to work on my cars. Thinking back,...

The Right Tool for the Job

The adage "the right tool for the job" is typically referring to, quite literally, using the correct tool for the task at hand. But what if your tool is a race car? Something from a recent conversation has really stuck with me. In discussing with Carlos Mendez how...

Quick Hits: Death of Forums + Sim Racing

I'm trying something a little different this week with quick(er) thoughts on two different topics. Let me know what you think of this format: your feedback is highly important to me. The Death of Car Forums Bulletin Boards and Usenet groups were replaced by forums in the...

Built Not Bought (Is Dumb)

If you've been around cars for any period of time, you've probably heard the phrase "built not bought." You may have even uttered it yourself. It is stated as a point of pride, as if building is the only noble path to owning a...

Yokohama A052 versus Toyo RR

As detailed in my recent post about Tire Parity in NASA Racing, there are new rules for NASA's power to weight racing classes (ST and TT) intended to create better parity between the bevy of tire choices. Thankfully these new rules are not based on manufacturer's...

Tire Parity in NASA Super Touring & Time Trials

For the 2022 season, NASA shook things up for Super Touring and Time Trial classification by drastically altering the tire type power:weight modifiers. Previously, it was kind of assumed that you were running the fastest DOT-approved tire possible (Hoosier R7), and if you chose to run a slower tire...

Safety Equipment for HPDE, Time Attack, Racing

When it comes to safety equipment, ask ten people and you're going to get ten different answers. Without getting too deep into the specifics, I wanted to document some of the overarching safety equipment systems for various levels of track use. This guide will cover three system archetypes:...

What Went Wrong? Sebring Slide Edition

Experienced racers and instructors will tell you that it's only a matter of time before you "go off" (partially or fully leave the track bounds) and/or have an accident at the track. Seven years into track driving, and I've done both, but it...

Hydration at the Race Track

Throughout our lives, we are taught (and regularly reminded) about hydration. The advice may have come from a chastising mother, a sports coach, or an event director reminding you drink a lot of water "because it's going to be hot at this track event in Florida in...

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