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RE's Top 6 of 2022

We're just a few days away from 2023, so what better time for a retrospective on the year gone by? Next week we'll set some goals for 2023, maybe even with some guest contributions! In the mean time, this is RISING EDGE's top 6...

Saving R3VLimited

Last week I took part in a conference call about the future of R3VLimited. For those that aren't familiar, R3VLimited is one of the oldest and largest E30 forums left on the internet. As with most forums, it has been dying a slow death, and I for one...

On Motivation & Proving Oneself

Motivation, and lack thereof What motivates you when it comes to cars/racing? I have been contemplating this a lot lately, because in the wake of some major life events, including losing my father to cancer, I have struggled with finding any motivation to work on my cars. Thinking back,...

The Five Ws of RISING EDGE

Welcome to RISING EDGE, a new online publication by Thomas Lathrop. Thank you sincerely for spending some of your time to check it out. As an introduction to the site, let's go over the Five Ws of RE. Who Hey there, I'm Thomas. It's...

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